Therapeutic Immediacy
CICS continues to offer On-demand care. On-demand care is centered around the idea of therapeutic immediacy and is best suited for patients who have needs that cannot be addressed in weekly, scheduled check-ups. Therapeutic immediacy offers your child an ability to get the help they need when they need it without having to wait for a scheduled appointment.
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Why On-Demand Care?
We believe in the power of on-demand care because it keeps patients from unnecessarily utilizing inpatient services, such as mental hospitalization. CICS, an outpatient clinic, wants to keep our patients out of hospitals whenever possible. Hospitalization, while an excellent option in a true emergency, has its own associated trauma for the child, is more expensive than outpatient care, and often has lackluster outcomes.
In an emergency, you should still dial 911. In a crisis, call an on-demand specialist.
Our on-demand services were originally developed for patients struggling with addiction and more acute issues that could not be addressed properly in our steady state level of care. CICS hired compassionate professionals to help with these high acuity cases outside of a traditional schedule. The results were staggering. As our high acuity patients fluctuated, they did not have to go to the ER because they had therapeutic immediacy at their fingertips. This more responsive version of outpatient care keeps costs down and avoids the potential trauma of a hospitalization.

Beyond a silver bullet
On-demand care does not mean that your child will never be hospitalized, but it can provide support when hospitalization is necessary. If your child is starting to live independently or going away to college, a missed check-in with an on-demand therapist can raise a life-saving alarm.
On-demand care can give your child the support they need for life transitions and social situations. An on-demand therapist can help your child navigate the presence of alcohol at parties or dating for the first time. The beauty of on-demand care is that it is a high touch solution while remaining an outpatient service, and the contact can be frequent until it is not needed anymore. On-demand care is our most personalized solution because it can happen anywhere. The patient is given unlimited texts and short calls to their on-demand therapist. The patient can also choose the virtual or physical environment. Some patients like to play a video game or solve a puzzle during their sessions, while others opt to have their sessions over a cup of coffee.
Contact UsDetails
On-demand care is a cash service billed at $200 per week. This cost includes 60 minutes of counseling across the week, unlimited texts, and short crisis calls at any time. The schedule of on-demand care is based on what works for the patient and the therapist. There is flexibility for the length of sessions and the type of contact.
In addition to on-demand care, we offer crisis med checks for our established patients. If a medication is causing your child to respond adversely, we need to know right away. Our medical team will make themselves available to meet with your child and see if any medication adjustment or change is necessary.